“Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.”
The cold hard truth is that most oak, walnut, mahogany and other quality, hard wood furniture of a certain age just isn’t in vogue at the moment. Thus, it isn’t selling. Case in point, I found this lovely piece -- with its solid construction and lovely lines -- on Craig’s List and bargained the seller down to $75.
I bought the piece knowing I’d paint it. Which would have been a mortal sin back in the 80's when oak was just the living end. This is a nice antique, but not an heirloom by any means. And since I am loving the painted look these days, I felt OK about breaking out the rollers and spray paint.
However, I do have friends who still think painting hard wood furniture is a sin. And maybe it is! Maybe I'll live to regret it.
Growing up, my mom and I often bemoaned the crazy things my
grandmother did to furniture. And spent beaucoup bucks stripping and refinishing the stuff. But crazy Nanny had fun and got different looks for her home on the cheap. Just like me!
Back to the story of the dresser. I wanted something a little more feminine in shape and style for my girl. Previously we had a dresser in her room that I’d painted red and glazed with black to mimic the look of Nanny's little antiqued cabinet. (Yup, she painted it.) But over time I thought the lines and color of the piece seemed too masculine for a girl’s dainty domain.
So I found this dresser, which was sturdy, had dovetailed drawers that pulled (fairly) smooth and lovely lines. To prepare, I numbered the backs of the drawers (always a good thing to do before you paint anything with drawers – especially older, handmade furniture that isn't exactly exact).

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